Lasting Impact

Congo Connect and Thrive is dedicated to creating a lasting impact through our initiatives.
Congo Connect and Thrive provides small loans and financial literacy training to help people, particularly women start or grow their businesses. Our goal is to help families achieve financial stability, create jobs, and improve their overall livelihood.
Congo Connect and Thrive supports access to quality education for children and adults living in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This involves building schools, providing scholarships, and delivering educational programs. Education is essential for breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a more just and equitable society.
Congo Connect and Thrive implements programs to protect the environment, promote sustainable practices, and combat climate change. This involves initiatives such as tree planting, renewable energy projects, or education on conservation. A healthy environment is essential for the well-being of all communities.
Congo Connect and Thrive provides healthcare services to women and children, including education, and resources to improve women's health and well-being. This includes access to reproductive healthcare, maternal health services, and education on nutrition and hygiene. Good health is important for women to reach their full potential and contribute to their communities.